Futuring (un)love – Prototyping

In considering what object to protoype in our explored future, I looked toward three key aspects from our future:

  • The move away from screen-based devices and towards intuitive and integrated digital technologies.
  • The personal data of each person is readily available, with microchipping being a staple of modern-day life. Although many people accept this, there are some people that are resistant to the lack of privacy, and seek to escape the system.
  • Natural relationships are unconventional, with marriage and reproduction being centred around efficiency, rationality and precision. Natural emotional responses play a small role in relationships, not because people don’t feel emotion but because emotions can be easily moderated through advanced hormonal technologies.

These built the foundation for my scenario  – In 2050, people want to explore emotional and natural love, but are afraid of being judged by their families and communities.

This leads me to two design possibilities:

  1. A discrete technology which prevents personal data from being collected or
  2. A technology which allows people to explore love and relationships through a discrete forum.

Hopefully through expanding on and prototyping these ideas, I can reach a relevant and engaging future artefact.

LAB A - prototyping post
Prototyping exercise from week 8 class

– M

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